Sunday, March 3, 2013


I am bad at keeping this blog and my other blog, so I am combining them. I will just update my monthly pictures on my family blog. It is part of my life. So I imported all of my other blog onto our family blog. It's all good. I will leave this up for a while, but then I will delete it. Keep following my progress. It helps me to feel accountable about my decisions.

Friday, January 25, 2013

a post.....finally! finally some pictures. I can not remember when the picture of me in the jeans was taken, but it has been at least a month. 
 This was me today as I was leaving to go to the y. I think it is hard to see much difference because the shirt i have on above is baggy. Oh well. I have still made progress. 
Here are the front shots!
 Here I am today. 
 Since I started this process I am down, 76 pounds. Since i had my surgery I am down 62 pounds. Hopefully that makes sense. Because I did lose some weight before my surgery. 
Hopefully I will continue losing weight. I still have a ways to go to get to where I would like to be. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013


I know I am behind on my 3 month post. It is coming. We were just super busy with traveling and visiting family! Pictures and updates to come...Check back, Monday...Tuesday at latest!

Monday, November 26, 2012

2 months out.

Today is 2 months out of surgery.
Things are still going well.
I even made it through my first big FOOD holiday without any real problems. 
So here I was last month.

from the front
and here I am this month
last month from the side
This month from the side
I am down a total of 34.6 pounds from the date of my surgery. For two months out I guess that is not to bad. I have not done my measurements yet this month, but I am going to try and do it tonight. I am glad to see the number going down on the scale, I just wish that my brain would catch up with it. I know that other people that have had this surgery can relate to this, but when I look in the mirror, I have a very hard time seeing the weight going away. Everyone keeps saying they can see it, but I can not. I have heard this is pretty common with people that have had this surgery and will not always be this way. A friend of mine said usually around the 6 month mark your brain finally kicks in and you can start to see a real change in yourself. Right now I am just enjoying seeing the numbers go down on the scale, my clothes fitting looser and feeling better in general!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I'm finally back in REGULAR jeans!! 
I am so excited. 
I can't wait to be down more sizes but I love being in regular jeans!!
woo hoo
ps. excuse the morning hair. I had not done it yet. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Have I mentioned....

Have I mentioned that I miss soda. 
I mean I really miss soda. 
I miss drinking it, even though I know it is not good for me. 
I am struggling with drinking water, juice and milk. 
I just miss having the variety. 
However, I don't miss it enough to have changed what I have done.
I am so grateful every time I get on that scale and see the numbers go down. 
I had a check up for my thyroid the other day. 
My pulse is down by 20 points, or whatever you call it. It used to rest in the 90's and now it rest in the 70's. 
My blood pressure which has always been good. It usually hangs around 110/70 something. When I went to the doctor the other day, I had Briea walking, Ayla in a stroller, and Andrew who is 5 months in a back pack. We had been shopping all morning and when they took my blood pressure it was 90/ 70 something. I like the idea that I am getting healthier. I am enjoying working out more. My body does not hurt the way it used to. It also is easier to move. I guess I never realized how all that weight affected my movements. But it did. 
So while I miss soda...It's ok. 
To quote some very wise words, form a very wise man...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Finally a Combo I like!!

After surgery, water becomes a constant. 
But you can only take it for so long. Or at least that is the case with me. 
So I finally found a combo that I like that is ok. 
You are a loud to have a little juice each day but you are supposed to water it down. 
Well that just is no good either. So I can drink as much of the Ocean Spray Diet as I want. No sugar. Yippee. So I mix the 2 half and half. 
Just a tip for anyone out there that needs a little break from water!!
ps. this is not my apple juice of choice. It is a little high in sugar. there are better ones, but this was what the gas station had this morning when I stopped in. 
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